Monday, March 27, 2017

Everything Internship Paperwork

Dear Interns,

I have for you the links and information for every single piece of paperwork you could ever need for your Internship.

WORK STUDY AGREEMENT: This is the paperwork that protects you during your Internship.  It also protects Denver Public Schools and the Businesses that you are completing your internship for. These are due by the end of your first week of the Internship.  You must either bring them to my classroom or scan them.  Due to the nature of the paperwork, taking a picture is not acceptable.

TIMESHEETS: Monthly you are required to complete your timesheet.  There is a grade attached to your timesheet.  If your timesheet falls below 40 hours at the end of the month you MUST contact me.  Because we'll need to create a plan for how your hours will be made up.  Anything less than 100 hours per semester without documentation will be referred to the Counselor of your school and the Assistant Principal for planning.  It's a big deal. Timesheets

MIDTERM AND FINAL EVALUATIONS: At the middle and the end of your Internship you will receive an evaluation from  your Site Supervisor.  The evaluations are identical so you are able to track your progress.  On the syllabus you will see the dates the evaluations go out.  Please make time to meet with your Supervisor to discuss any opportunities for growth and for ways to make your internship meaningful.  Midterm and Final Evaluations

APPLICATIONS: The application for the Internship and Parental Form are included here.
Parent Expectations Form
Internship Application


It's a long painful video of about 15 minutes.  It's a great starter way to get yourself going if you get stuck or need help with the program.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Cover Letter email

Assignment 2
Write a UPDATED Cover Email/Cover Letter that could go along with your UPDATED resume.  Your updated work should reflect the previous Internship and the skills you obtained from your experience. 

Cover letters should demonstrate work that is 40 points.  Minimum of 3 paragraphs to receive full credit.  

A copy of the cover letter and resume  sent to Kelly by &&&&&&&  

TOTAL POINTS: 80  (40 for the Cover Letter  40 for the Resume)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Thank you Notes

Assignment 3: Thank you Notes 25 points 

Upon completion of your Interview please generate an email version of a thank you note that you will send to the Company.    Please CC me in the email to receive full credit.

The email should include the things you have learned from your previous Internship and the skills you are interested in learning moving forward.  The thank you note should be at least one paragraph long.

My email address is

Monday, March 20, 2017

Updating and Re-doing your Internship Goals

Assignment 4: Email Kelly with a summary of your new goals and opportunities you will create in order to gain more experience and professional development.


email to 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Accountability Assignment:

Worth 50 points

Email to for full credit

Monday, March 13, 2017

Company Organization Structure

Company Organization Assignment:

Please follow the instructions carefully.  Failure to do so will result in the return of your assignment until it is completed correctly. 

Every Business has an Organizational Structure.  It will outline who reports to who and provides a clear and easy format to designate the "chain of command".

This is the Outline for the U.S. Government. 

Please ask your Supervisor for a copy of the business organizational chart.  If one is not available then create a flow chart similar to above.  Only small business firms would not have a flow chart available. 

Email to me, your business or your flow chart you created.  Indicate how you fit in the mix of people. 

Reflect on the following questions:  How is it that you relate to the CEO or Supervisor of the company?  Do they know who you are?  Are they accessible that you could meet them?  If you haven't why not?  

How do your Supervisors relate to the people that work for them.  Do you like their management style and/or would you want to work under that Supervisor?  Why or why not? 

For extra credit:  Conduct a brief interview with the CEO or Supervisor of your Internship site.  What did you learn from them?  25 extra credit points. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Social Contract


Please revisit the Social Contract that was created at the beginning of the Semester.  Write five (5) rules that you feel are important when participating in an Internship.  What advice would you give to Interns who are going out for their first time.